Our Volunteer of the Month program was initiated to recognize volunteers nominated by their peers. Chapter members can nominate volunteers by email to recognition@amcdv.org. The nomination should contain the nominee’s name, reason for the recognition and name of the nominator. The monthly winners are entered into a drawing at the Annual Dinner and Meeting for a grand prize. Nominees must be an AMC member, not an elected member of the current Executive Committee, and may serve in any volunteer capacity that benefits the Chapter mission in the Delaware Valley area. See the past Volunteers of the Month below.
Charlie Ogle, for trail work
John Rowen, writing the program that generates the web Activities Calendar
Susan Bickford-Martin, starting the XC ski hot line and becoming our first skiing chair
Midori Wakabayashi, for her trail work
Barry Mazer, for making and donating hand-carved walking sticks
John Chalikian, for leading basic canoe instruction program
Jerry Srodes, for litter cleanup and trail maintenance
Mike Manes, trail maintainer, conservation volunteer and American Chestnut advocate
Walt Underhill, leads solo canoe training, stores and maintains club paddling equipment, leads many trips
Barbara Wiemann, for leading variety of new hikes in Lehigh Valley area
Denis McCartan, for leading a great number of new and varied hikes
Phill Hunsberger, for leading the Lehigh Valley Group, and organizing its monthly programs
Ian Kindle, for the wide variety of trips: hiking, biking, snowshoeing, XC skiing and paddling plus photo workshops
Steve Leibrock, leads bike trips, volunteers to sweep on hikes, contributes photographs to web and print
Jeff Lippincott for past service on the Executive Committee, active hiking and biking leader, mentor to leaders-in-training.
John Rogers for participation in all AT work trips this season, new leader mentor, Mohican weekend leader.
Dan Schwartz for leading AT trail work sessions, serving as ATC rep, Ridgerunner coordinator and numerous other AT and trails functions
Lizzie Grobbel for 20s & 39s leadership, introducing trail running to DV Chapter
Greg Bernet, for AT trailwork, volunteering as Highlands Trail Crew Coordinator.
Barb Blythe for being an active hiking, backpacking, and bicycling leader for our chapter.
Rich Pace, for hiking, paddling leadership, especially for the large number and wide variety of trips led, photography
Bill Murray, for Lehigh Valley Group meeting work, and more
David Stein, leads 50 plus hikes a year, Wissahickon hikes for 10 years
Barbara Beatrice and Jeff Fritzinger, Catskill trip leaders
Susan Weida, recorder of all our activities and participants
Ron Phelps, multi-activite leader, leadership committee member
Rick and Allison Hudson for their service for the DV Chapter, as hiking chai, secretary, social committee work
Terry Berntsen leader of day hikes, bike outings & multi-day events including camping, biking, hiking and XC skiing.
Pete Jarrett prolific hike leader and hiking teacher
Don Garrido is an hike leader, vice chair, Mohican Committee, Fall Gathering volunteer
Linda Watsula, social activity volunteer, hike leader
Carl Ganong, active backpack leader and trail maintainer
George Rockett, active hiking leader
Ira Rubinstein, multi-day adventure leader, world trekker
Rand Salani, leader of challenging hikes
Tammy Brandon, bike, hike leader, former bicycling chair
Geri Chmiel, organizer of chapter social events and Spring Fling
Sarah Richardsen, 20s & 39s leader and provider of support to EC
Rich Einstein, hike, bike, conservation leader
Margaret McDonald, hike leader, data logger
Christine Loch, diversity volunteer
Joanie Schultz, popular hike series leader
Jay Gross, new hike series leader
Jose Ibarra, trail work and Valley Forge volunteer
Jeanne Mantell, who lends a versatile helping hand
Rich Kowal, a dedicated trail maintainer
Anthony Palandro, backpacking leader
Tom Sherwood, hiking leader
Mike Ahern, hike and bike leader, helps with Weekly Bulletin
Kieu Manes, conservationist, hiker
Larry Priori, creative hike leader
Jane and Greg Cook, conservation and coordination leaders
Bill Steinmetz for running our ridgerunner program
Priscilla Estes named volunteer of month for conservation promotion, leadership
Jennifer Percival, a skill building hike leader
Dan Loughner, trail worker and trip leader
Raun Kercher, hike, bike backpack leader
Tom George, AT trail worker
Bill De Stefano, publicity and backpack leader
Tom Marino, major force in the development of Highlands Trail
Mary Jane Martin, past social chair, event leader
Amy Williams, active new leader
Karla Geissler, hike leader, MLS grad, Fall Gathering volunteer
Steven Campanelli & Judy Farrell, hike, bike & backpack duo
Karen Rossino, bike leader, data coordinator
Jane Richter, twice top hiker, active trail worker
Cindy Friel, hike and paddling leader, interorganizational connection
Denis McCartan, trail running pioneer, leader trainer, active leader
Jesse Gusler, trail work leader with PA Highlands Trail Stewards
Julia Watson, rapidly advancing hike leader
Mark Kern, volunteer who takes on many different jobs
Joe Nanfara for years of service as Chapter Treasurer, frequent hike leader
Diane Ullmer, hike leader and more
Blase Hartman, new leader, Fall Gathering coordinator of entertainment
Reed Goosen, bike, hike, paddling leader
Len Morawski, AT trail angel